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Blue Moon by Nicolaj Christensen


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Blue Moon ist einfach ein Katalysator für deine eigenen Überlegungen



Einfach Schwierig
Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

In diesem ersten Buch werden Sie eine ganze Reihe spannender Fragen ohne Antworten finden, die zum Denken anregen sollen. Dennoch wird nur die Spitze des Eisbergs behandelt, allerdings gewollt: Sie werden dadurch in sieben Close-up-Kartenroutinen und weitere Aspekte der Zauberkunst eintauchen und solche Themen wie Realismus, den magischen Augenblick, Schwierigkeiten des Zauberkünstlers und Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten durchdringen. Beinhaltet sind wirklich beeindruckende und fesselnde Zaubertricks, die Sie ganz realistisch umsetzen können. Sie sind detailliert erklärt und werden durch schwarzweiße Illustrationen veranschaulicht. Machen Sie sich auf völlig neue Gedanken gefasst!

Sie erhalten ein 163-seitiges Buch in englischer Sprache.


"The details, the academic approach and the nuances are really inspiring. I like that you made me rethink all the magic concepts that are part of my philosophy in magic. The last persons who did that to me were Darwin Ortiz and Tommy Wonder."
- Fritz Alkemade (NL)

"Blue Moon is an ambitious and well-written book - by a young magic firebrand. A love letter to magic."
- Klaus Mulbjerg (DK)

"Blue Moon is not another book filled with plain theory or just some tricks, but it is a balanced combination of both thoughtful theory and nice personal magic. The academic approach to this book is stunning as well, providing detailed crediting of techniques used in the book."
- Filip Kouzelník Stružka (CZ)

"Reading Blue Moon is a transformative experience. If you're willing to seriously think about magic, this is the book to get. Though they are just there to be examples, the routines explained are tried and tested pieces of magic that are worth the price of admission. A truly enjoyable book."
- Benjamin Jønch-Sørensen (DK)

"The essays [...] are fascinating and his arguments convincing. They are also practical, providing questions to ask yourself and actions you can take to apply his thoughts or theories. [...] These discussions are very useful, as the ideas shared here will be applicable to many other tricks you perform."
- Samuel Wheeler (UK)

"Blue Moon is one of the reasons students of magic should read books and not only watch videos: you better understand the author/creator's thoughts and motivations behind the effects and learn the entire structure and strategy that went into building the tricks."
- Michael Frederiksen (DK)

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