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COPAG 310 NEO (Culture) Playing Cards


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten

Poker Deck

Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage
COPAG 310 NEO was developed closely with professionals' players, magicians and cardistry experts for over two years. The exclusive TRUE LINEN B9 FINISH associated with the premium playing card stock ensures supreme handling, longevity and ultimate flourish. This finish is the result of intense research and development and more than 300 prototypes, tried and tested. The well-constructed balance between the stock, coating, linen finish and cutting gives the cards a soft but springy nature allowing a smooth handle.

Deck includes 52 cards, 4 Jokers poker size 2.5 by 3.5 inches (W x H).
  • First Generation of Copag Neo paper playing cards
  • Made of premium playing card stock
  • True Linen B9 Finish for supreme handling and longevity
  • Smooth edges and corners
  • Vibrant Colors

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