Deliverance by Jay Sankey
A monster reputation maker and perfect for everything from Super Bowl to lottery!
Deliverance takes the classic sealed envelope prediction effect and turns it into a monster.
In every genre of magic there is a Holy Grail effect that leads its students on a journey to find the perfect method. In mentalism, the prediction is the most sought after of any mental feat.
Imagine, a client or member of the local press receives a letter saying not to open until after a major event has passed. Perhaps the Super Bowl, an Election or an important event in your local community. Finally when the time comes the letter is opened only to find that another sealed envelope is inside. Now their curiosity is off the charts and they can't wait to see what is about to be revealed.
Now imagine the possibilities you have in your hand. With this effect you could predict the exact score of the Super Bowl, the attendance record, the exact weather and even any mishaps that happen during the half time show.
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