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Evoke Playing Cards


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten


Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

Most of us can remember the first time we encountered a deck of playing cards. For me, a deck of playing cards evokes fond childhood memories of discovering magic and inspiring a love for design. These two influences came together in this deck design where the main design detail emerged from a photograph of an icicle morphed into a digital image that becomes a unique visual magical feature.


  • Printed by USPCC on premium paper, thin crushed
  • Traditional cut
  • Standard Poker size
  • Air-Cushion embossed finish
  • 52 cards & 2 Jokers (4 power Aces)
  • Custom pips
  • Custom Jokers, when combined using a snap change creates a visual transformation revealing a selected card
  • Tuck box card reveal
  • 1 double back
  • Limited edition, "version one" tuck box seal to denote this 2500 qty run
  • Designed by Lance Richardson
  • Produced by Artful Diversions LLC
  • 2022 release

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