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Hamsa Deck Prajña Edition Playing Cards


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten


Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

"The Hamsa Prajna Edition Playing Cards

"Without Wisdom, Knowledge is either useless or destructive"

Welcome to the Hamsa Prajna Edition.

Deck features:

  • Limited to only 1000 decks and not to be reprinted.
  • The deck consists of 56 cards with all pips, value and court cards fully custom designed.
  • 2 custom Jokers with hidden card reveal on one.
  • 1 dupe card.
  • 1 Angle Z gaff card.
  • The Hamsa has a very clever but easy marking system which opens up amazing possibilities of performing hands on/hands off miracles for both hobbyists and seasoned performers.
  • The tuck case is made with matte paper finish and printed on both the inside and out.
  • The Hamsa Prajña Edition is printed by Hanson Chien on vintage stock with legendary finish so the deck handles smoothly and it's durable so the deck will last.

This elegant deck has been designed from the ground up and represents my own interpretation on everyday life, dealing with challenges and adversity.

Prajña meaning - "Wisdom", "Intelligence" or "Understanding."

The Hamsa Hand - in all faiths the Hamsa is a protective sign. It brings the owner happiness, luck and good fortune.

Yin Yang Symbol signifies balance and harmony in life and learning to embrace its dualities.

Lotus Flower signifies purity, enlightenment, self regeneration and rebirth.

Koi Fish - one koi swimming downstream to signify creating inner power, to overcome challenges. The Koi swimming upstream represents overcoming obstacles and gain strength to move forward.

"The Hamsa deck is a brave, confident creation that has gone above and beyond. With everything that it stands for, and the creator behind it, this really is an offering that has become so much more than a deck of cards".
- Daniel Madison

"Lovely design, these look great"
- Christian Grace

"Slick, Elegant & Classy. The Hamsa deck not only looks luxurious, it feels it too. I can't wait to get more".
- Damian O'Brien

"Rustic, beautiful and deceptive. The Hamsa deck has arrived and I am super happy that the hamsa is on my team!"
- Ben Cardall

What you waiting for? Get yours now!

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