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Hanson Chien Presents Crazy Sam's Handcuffs by Sam Huang (German) -DOWNLOAD


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Honored to receive "Trick of the Year 2022" from The Magic Cafe!

"This trick looks like REAL MAGIC."
- Michael Ammar

"This is the revolution of Crazy Man's Handcuffs."
- Hanson Chien


A HYPER visual rubber band penetration effect where a rubber band is stretched between the thumb and finger of each hand. The two rubber bands MELT through each other like real magic!


Over 50 years ago, one of the best rubber band tricks "CRAZY MAN'S HANDCUFFS" was created and many magicians still perform it today.

Crazy Sam's Handcuffs is from the mind of Sam Huang. When Sam posted this effect online, many magicians were shocked and eager to learn this effect.

Now, the secret is finally revealed.


The principle behind this trick has unlimited possibilities, the new method can also be applied on your fingers as well as other objects such as scissors, markers, etc. Many magicians also offered their unique ideas, including Joe Rindfleisch, Nicholas Lawrence, Dr. Cyril Thomas and Hanson Chien.


  • No setup.
  • No get ready.
  • 100% examinable.
  • You can perform it anytime, anywhere.
  • What you see on the trailer is how it looks LIVE.


  • Running time: 40 mins
  • HD video shot in Taiwan
  • Language: English
  • Subtitles: German

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