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Seven Basic Secrets of Illusion Design by Eric van Duzer - Book


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Dieses Manuskript ist eines der ausführlichsten seiner Art über Illusionen mit mehr als 170 Seiten und mehr als 90 erklärten Illusionen.
Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

For the serious student of illusion, this is the ultimate book. With over 170 pages explaining over 90 illusions, this tome is the place to start. Never has there been a collection in one publication giving the secrets, dimensions and concepts behind all the basic illusions, plus building and performing tips. It's all covered from appearances, disappearances, mutilations and exchanges to several forms of levitations. This is not a book of detailed illusion plans. Instead it's a compilation of the greatest illusions in the world. You will use this book to decide which illusions are best to build and which illusions best suit your performance style.

Whether you are buying, building or performing, or just want to reference stage props, you will choose your illusions and illusionettes from this book. If you have ever wondered how an illusion works, this book will explain it. From Agas to Zig Zags, it covers them all, plus design and construction tips as well as valuable information on types of wood to use for specific illusions; use of velcro, hinges, power tools and plastics.

It's over 170 pages of total usable information and hundreds of detailed illustrations with measurements and full explanations no illusionist can be without.

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