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Tommy Wonder's 2 Cup Routine


Inkl. MWST, exkl. Versandkosten
Lernen Sie die besten 2-Becher-Routine von Tommy Wonder.
Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage



On this DVD Tommy teaches one of his masterpieces, The two cup Routine, to magician and entertainer Leo Smetsers from The Netherlands. A 'must' for every lover of magic and believe us, this will become a collectors item!

Tommy Wonder
(1953-2006) is an acknowledged icon in the magic world, national and international. The Books of Wonder from this world-famous artist are considered as belonging to the top of magic literature. Tommy is recognized because of his great technical skills and his unbelievable ability to misled people.

"Our most sincere thanks and appreciation goes out to the family of Tommy Wonder for allowing us to share Tommy's magic with the magic fraternity."
- Leo Smetsers



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